Installing Apache2 Php5 Mysql 5 And Phpmyadmin On Windows
Posted By admin On 09/09/18In this tutorial I am going to show you how to install PHP 5.4.30, Apache 2.4.9, MySQL 5.6.19 and phpMyAdmin 4.2.2 on a Windows 7 machine. This is a standard set of software that is required for PHP development.

In this tutorial we will install PHP, Apache HTTP, MySQL and phpMyAdmin on Windows 7 with examples and explanations. Php5apache2_4.dll Win64. Note that it will work also on Windows XP and Windows Vista. So we will install on Windows 7: • PHP 5.3.8 • Apache HTTP Server (httpd) 2.2.21 • MySQL Community Server 5.5.16 • phpMyAdmin-3.4.5 Let's see, first of all, the list of official websites: PHP: The download page for the Windows binaries: Choose the version you want, we will take the VC9 x86 Thread Safe version, in the Zip format. Apache HTTP: The download page: We will take the Win32 Binary including Open SSL 0.9.8r (MSI Installer) version. MySQL: The download page: We will take the Community Server version.
You do not need to enter your email address, just go at the bottom and click on: 'No thanks, just take me to the downloads!' PhpMyAdmin: The download page: We will take the latest phpMyAdmin release version. OK, let's see now our system: We are supposed to install our software in the ' Program files' directory, even PHP and phpMyAdmin (to remember where they are installed).
This is a very classic installation. Apache HTTP Lets' start with Apache HTTP. Download the Win32 MSI installer with the link above. Once done, you have to execute it (double click it). Click Next, Accept and Next, then Next again. You see now 3 empty fields that you have to fill. In Network Domain, enter: localdomain In Server Name, enter: localhost In Administrator's Email Address enter a fake or a real address (it is not important for the moment).
Let the option ' for All User, on Port 80, as a Service - Recommanded' ticked and click Next. Choose the Typical installation then click Next.
Let the classic path as it is: 'C: Program Files (x86) Apache Software Foundation Apache2.2' and click Install. Click Next then Finish.
Let's open a browser such as Firefox and write this in your address bar: If you see 'It works!' On the web page, so Apache HTTP is installed. Metro A Responsive Theme For Phpbb 3 Installation on this page. PHP Let's continue with PHP.
Create a directory in 'C: Program files (x86)' named 'php'. Create a new one inside 'php' named 'php-5.3.8'. So we have this new directory: 'C: Program files (x86) php php-5.3.8'. Download the Zip PHP file, open it and copy/paste all in the 'php5.3.8' directory you have just created before.
PHP is installed. Apache HTTP and PHP At this point, we do not have finished the full installation. It is still missing MySQL and phpMyAdmin. But we have to test before if PHP and Apache HTTP can work together correctly. Open the httpd.conf file that you can find in this directory: 'C: Program Files (x86) Apache Software Foundation Apache2.2 conf'. There are lot of lines starting with the LoadModule word.
Find them and write at the end of these LoadModule lines, this new one: LoadModule php5_module 'C:/Program files (x86)/php/php-5.3.8/php5apache2_2.dll' We can also uncomment line 118 (or about) by removing the sharp # before: LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ Do the same at line 175 and remove the #: ServerName localhost:80 We have now to add the php type. Find the section. At the end of it, just before, add this new line: AddType application/x-httpd-php.php Near line 224, we can see this: # # AllowOverride controls what directives may be placed in.htaccess files. # It can be 'All', 'None', or any combination of the keywords: # Options FileInfo AuthConfig Limit # AllowOverride None Replace None by All, like this: # # AllowOverride controls what directives may be placed in.htaccess files.
# It can be 'All', 'None', or any combination of the keywords: # Options FileInfo AuthConfig Limit # AllowOverride All Then let's add the DirectoryIndex for page named index.php. Go at line 244 in order to find the line. Modify balises like this: DirectoryIndex index.php index.html Now file named index.php will replace the list of files at the root. At this time, all our websites should have been created in the directory: C: Program Files (x86) Apache Software Foundation Apache2.2 htdocs But it is not what we want.