The 7 Minute Rotator Cuff Solution Pdf Printer

Posted By admin On 13/09/18
The 7 Minute Rotator Cuff Solution Pdf Printer

Free 7 Minute Rotator Cuff Solution. Free 7 Minute Rotator Cuff Solution. Skip navigation Sign in. 7 Minute Back Pain Workout-Exercises & Stretches to Decrease or Prevent Back Pain. Hp 8710w Pci Serial Port Driver. The 7-Minute Rotator Cuff Solution – A Complete Program to Prevent and Rehabilitate Rotator Cuff Injuries You will receive an email whenever this article is corrected, updated, or cited in the literature.

I'm a 54-year-old active woman, an avid cyclist and gardener. Here's my story: Mid-September: I lifted my right arm a bit above my shoulder and noticed a dull ache about 4 inches below my shoulder. I'm not prone to aches and pains, so I figured it would go away. It did not improve at all. Mid-October: 4 weeks after onset, went to an orthopedic surgeon who diagnosed 'Rotator cuff tendinitis' and said to take 2 Advil twice a day and return in 4 weeks. Late November: Returned to doctor #1 with absolutely no improvement, and requested a prescription for physical therapy.

Started PT the following Monday. Exercises included gentle stretches with resistance bands, while keeping shoulder blades pinched. During the following weeks, pain increased and began to spread to other areas of my shoulder. Late December: STILL NO IMPROVEMENT, so asked for a referral to a sports orthopedist, and got an MRI. Noticed that when I forgot to do my exercises during the Christmas weekend, my shoulder felt better. The gentle exercises only cause more pain.

Saw doctor #2, sports ortho doc (a shoulder specialist), who read the MRI. NEW DIAGNOSIS: RC tears in the just below the acromion, and a very narrow space between the acromion and RC. Hp Ups R1500 G2 Software more. Sports doc renewed prescription for PT with specific emphasis on improving scapular function.

He also restricted me from cycling, gardening, and any other activities that cause (or may cause) pain or worsen the condition. Returned to PT the following week. Today, late January: Still no improvement, and still more pain. Some easy tasks that didn't hurt last week, hurt now. The PT seems perplexed and encouraged me to have surgery sooner rather than later, believing the RC is being pinched between acromion and humoral head. He says has has treated many RC injuries and they are responding to treatment while I am not (he says approx. 20% do not respond to non-surgical treatment).

He recommended that I continue doing the exercises on my own at home only, return to doctor #2 at my next scheduled appointment (late February) and request surgery at that time, then return to PT post-op. I am frustrated and confused.

I am planning to do the gentle exercises on my own and discuss other options with the sports ortho when I see him again next month. QUESTION: Is it common or normal to have more pain after several weeks of gentle PT designed to improve scapular strength/function?

Acknowledgement Of Service Form D10 Pdf Printer. I didn't expect complete healing by now, but at least some improvement. The PT facility is popular and I hear other patients say good things about it. I don't want to rush into surgery without 100% certainty that it's the answer to this problem. On the other hand, I'm anxious to return to my regular activities, to be able to drive pain-free (my car has manual trans), plant the garden, ride my bike, and not worry that I will rip the RC to shreds with one wrong move. Meanwhile, what if I'm not getting the right PT exercises? I feel like I've wasted 4 months and lots of money for nothing.

Jen, It was actually the PT who recommended surgery. When he referred me to the sports ortho doc, he (the PT) said the doc will probably want to give me a shot; however, the doctor didn't even mention a shot.

The doc said 'intuitively' he thinks I don't need surgery, but he could scope the area below the acromion to open the space, and wants to try therapy first -- but if my shoulder doesn't improve with the exercises then he'll discuss other options. Some questions: -- What was your diagnosis, and did it change after surgery? Sometimes, surgery turns up damage not seen on MRI. -- Regarding the book Rotator Cuff Solutions: Have you done them since your surgery, and do you find them helpful?

How do they differ from the exercises you did prior to PT? Do think you could have avoided surgery by doing the exercises in the book?

I ordered Treat Your Own Rotator Cuff and expect it to arrive next Monday. I've seen exercises on-line recommended for RC injury, but my shoulder would be screaming if I did most of them.

However, I remain hopeful. .I also just responded here to someone else about exercises you might try yourself. They are outlined in the book Rotator Cuff Solutions. I wish I had read this prior to my surgery. Jen Jen, I'm unable to find a book by this name through an on-line search. Is that the full title?