Installing Php In Apache 2.2 Programs

Posted By admin On 06/09/18
Installing Php In Apache 2.2 Programs

Today I am going to teach you the easiest way of installing a Webserver with Apache, PHP, and MySQL. We are going to use Epel and Remi repositories on CentOS and configure our server. First of all, we should find the latest version of Epel and Remi packages from their sites: After it, we will download the packages on our system and install them on the server. Wget wget rpm -Uvh remi-release-6.rpm epel-release-6-8. Sketchpad 5.06 Crack. noarch.rpm After these packages are installed completely, we should activate these repositories on Yum configuration file. Hp Avermedia Tv Tuner Card Driver Windows 7 more. Nano /etc/yum.repos.d/remi.repo Make sure that “[remi]” and “[remi-php56]” are enabled.